Monday 19 March 2012

Move Over Cupcake, There's A New Sponge In Town

Jolly Jars

It's official. Cake In A Jar is the new Cupcake. Quirky, charming and perfect for a picnic - what's not to love? Here's how to bake your own...

1. When dealing with sponge, nobody does it better than Delia. Her all-in-one recipe is quick and easy to follow. When your mixture is ready, spread onto a flat baking tray rather than round cake tins or cupcake trays. NB Delia's recipe normally makes 12 Cupcakes, so will make 6 Cakes In A Jar.

2. Place the lid of your jar (I bought mine from Lakeland and they're a perfect size) onto your cooled sponge and cut around the edge with a sharp knife.

3. Repeat stage 2, taking care as to where you place the lids - you want to cut as many circles as possible from the sheet of sponge. Remember you will need two circles for each jar.

4. Carefully remove any excess sponge and tidy any uneven edges on your circles.

5. Gently ease the sponge circles into the jar and place them flat on the base. It is easier to do this while the sponge is still warm, as it is more flexible and less likely to crumble.

6. Add a generous dollop of jam to the jar and spread evenly across the sponge, taking care not to smudge the sides of the glass where possible.

7. Repeat stage 5, adding the second layer of sponge to the jar. Take care not to drop the sponge onto the jam before it is turned to the correct position.

8. Finish your cakes with icing and decorations. My favourite recipe for buttercream icing is the Hummingbird Bakery's vanilla frosting. Secure the jars with lids, paper or ribbon. Add gift tags or teaspoons for a special touch. When making icing, remember the quantities will differ from normal Cupcakes as you have twice as much sponge in each jar.

9. Enjoy!

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