Wednesday, 29 May 2013

New Dogs, New Tricks

Say hello to the newest member of our team! He'll be joining us at Highland Angel HQ in five weeks time and while we've already drawn up a list of chores for the cute recruit, he doesn't have a name yet... Paws for thought - if you have any suggestions, we'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Kitchen Beautician

Washing, brushing, straightening, curling, crimping, primping. This weekend, be extra nice to your hair - it's exhausted! This DIY hair mask takes minutes to prepare and will restore the lush to your locks in no time.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Brownie Points

Elevenses are an important part of daily life at Highland Angel HQ. A few weeks ago, to mark Christina's last day, we enjoyed some delicious chocolate brownies. The recipe - from Hummingbird Bakery - is simple to follow and the results are sure to make you sing!

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Little Lord Fontleroy

It's fair to say that fonts are a little bit geeky. Comic Sans, Times New Roman, anyone for Arial Narrow?! However if like us, you're partial to a spot of blogging or designing, you'll know that the fonts you use say a lot about you and can help you say a lot. Forget the regulars like Verdana and Calibri - Lucinda Sans who!? - we're talking Throw My Hands Up In The Air, Call Me Maybe, Pencil Pete. There are thousands of stylish fonts available to download and are free for personal use so next time you're designing invites, printing letterheads or want to edit some photographs, why not visit We've listed some of our favourite fonts above to get you started.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

If you go down to the woods today...

... you're sure of a big surprise! Welcome to Erin Gleeson's neck of the woods - a former food photographer from New York City who moved to a cabin in the woods of North Carolina and never looked back. Erin's fabulous blog, The Forest Feast, offers "inspiring, healthy recipes which are easy to make after a long day at work, yet impressive enough for a party".